Nmap2Word – Nmap XML output to Microsoft Word


Simply download the python file and run it with python3.

    git clone https://github.com/7h1n0b1/Nmap2Word.git

    pip install -r requirements.txt

    python3 nxml.py

Or you can simply run the nxml.exe

There are 2 ways in which you may proceed.

  • Initiate a Nmap Scan
  • Use XML output report of a previous scan

You should have nmap installed on your local machine. After executing the script choose option 1 to run the scan. Here you can either:

  1. Enter one or multiple targets manually

2. Select a file having multiple targets (The targets should be newline or/and comma separated)

If you already have an XML output of a scan you ran previously, you can simply select option 2. Here you can give your XML output to the script and the script will generate the word output report.

Enjoy!!!! 🙂

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